Low-temperature Hydraulic Binders for Restoration Needs

Inta Barbane, Inta Vitina, Linda Krage


The late 19th/ early 20th century was a period of active
usage of low-temperature hydraulic binders, e.g., Roman cement,
for the construction of buildings. Dolomitic Roman cement was
characteristic of Latvia in contrast to the rest of Europe, where
calcitic Roman cement was applied. The research has been
conducted with the aim to synthesize a binder from local clay and
dolomite compatible with historical dolomitic Roman cement. The
results of chemical and XRD phase analyses have approved that
Devonian as well as Quaternary clay mixed with dolomite can form
a binder that closely conforms with historical ones. The obtained
compositions can be considered perspective for restoration needs.


hydraulic components, low-temperature binder, restoration, Roman cement

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DOI: 10.7250/msac.2013.001


1. Novel SCM produced by the co-calcination of aluminosilicates with dolomite
F. Bullerjahn, M. Zajac, J. Pekarkova, D. Nied
Cement and Concrete Research  vol: 134  first page: 106083  year: 2020  
doi: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2020.106083

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